• Maurice Richard Fantasy Hockey League

REPORT: Leafs brass seeking apology for malicious tweet aimed towards two players


TORONTO - Leafs GM Ron Dubin is seeking a public apology to Maple Leafs brass and players on Monday after a tweet made by Capitals GM Jeremy Hiemstra over the weekend was believed to be in 'poor taste' which sparked a bit of controversy in both the Leafs and Capitals dressing rooms.

The tweet made by Hiemstra read "I'll have what Beauchemin is having once he's done, unless Hossa will take her back #meow #ilikebigbuttsandicannotlie #youotherbrotherscantdeny." This tweet magnifies the rumor that Leafs D Francois Beauchemin was having an affair with Marian Hossa's wife. The rumor was shutdown late last week by Beauchemin and Leafs management and refused to comment any further. The tweet was later deleted after being retweeted by 469 times by other memebers of the website, including Caps player Johan Franzen who admits to being 'too old for twitter'.

When asked to comment, Caps GM Hiemstra had little to say, stating that he was clearly intoxicated at the time and shouldn't be help responsible for what "Jack Daniels may or may not tweet on his behalf".

The MRFHL is currently investigating the issue but will handle it internally and not have it be public. Hiemstra has admitted to 'drunk tweeting' in the past and admits to being a lightweight, which doesn't help his case. The MRFHL does not currently have a protocol to prevent unfounded and innapropriate tweets and has had several sit-down discussions with Bruins GM Ric Flair about his tweets and instragram images posted in the interweb being borderline innapropriate.

"Everyone tweets a little, drinks a little more and at the end of the night it's all about stylin' and profilin' baby! WOOOO!"  - Unknown source

Nico Gruner

Ohhhhh snappp..... Mrs. Hoe-ssa is at it again

REPORT: Leafs brass seeking apology for malicious tweet aimed towards two players
Capitals GM Hiemstra's poor sense of humor may result in fine, suspension, more booty

• 1 teams Like this  9 years
Clayton Hansler

Rebuttle will come tonight!

REPORT: Leafs brass seeking apology for malicious tweet aimed towards two players
Capitals GM Hiemstra's poor sense of humor may result in fine, suspension, more booty

• 1 teams Like this  9 years
Clayton Hansler


REPORT: Leafs brass seeking apology for malicious tweet aimed towards two players
Capitals GM Hiemstra's poor sense of humor may result in fine, suspension, more booty

• 1 teams Like this  9 years
Robert Jacklin What a great read! Takes me back to the E-fed days!
9 years  0 teams Like this