• Maurice Richard Fantasy Hockey League

UFA Update


Hey guys,

I found a computer at my hostel and some time in my trip so I decided to use it wisely and start to progress with getting UFA ready to be open on Sunday (Yay!).  I wanted to update you guys as to what's going on as well.


RFA's:  We are still in negotiations with a few outstanding RFA's (Three to be exact).  Counter Offers have been made this morning, so hopefully the players and teams can come to a deal relatively soon.  

Also, LA, Dallas and Pittsburgh still need to submit RFA's.  If they don't they will lose all RFA's as UFA's come Sunday.

The teams with no GM will have key RFA's signed to NHL-style contracts so we can keep them competitive to find new GM's hopefully in the near future.

For a list of RFA signings, please go here and make sure your team is up to date: http://mrfhl.proboards.com/thread/1729/2015-rfas

The e-mail for RFA's is mrfhl.rfa@gmail.com

UFA Resign:  We will be doing automatic re-signs for the teams with no GM.  No 1 shot deals will be done with these teams, just their one presign.  Again, we want to keep these teams healthy enough to attract some good GM's to take control of them.

As well, any teams that need to submit any re-sign offers need to do it NOW.  The e-mail is: mrfhl.ufa@gmail.com

UFA: Now to the fun part!  Yes, you will start to see responses to offers come back to you on Sunday after 9PM Pacific Time.  

The e-mail you must use to get any offers in is mrfhl.ufa@gmail.com and make sure that each offer is in its own e-mail.  I haven't seen any screw ups so far, and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside that everyone is being awesome with this!  (For those who are wondering why we are strict on this is due to the way we sort offers out to make it easy for us when we respond.)

I have responded today to a few offers on players ineligible for this years UFA and have let the GM's know why.  

There is a list of UFA signings here: http://mrfhl.proboards.com/thread/1733/2015-ufa-signings  Both Resign and UFA will be posted here.  

Coaches: 7 Teams still need to sign NHL coaches, and 9 Teams need AHL coaches.  If you do not have an offer into Dylan by the time UFA opens up, you will be automatically assigned a coach.  The list of assigned and available coaches is here: http://mrfhl.com/File/2015-PreSeason/MRFHL-Coaches.html

I think thats it for now.  If you guys have any questions, please message me or Dylan and we'll do our best to answer them!

Thanks for your patience while I go gallivanting around Seattle!

MRFHL Commisionner-Wannabe

great job

UFA Update
Just checking in here.

• 0 teams Like this  9 years
Robert Jacklin I'd love to somehow get on a BOD somewhere. I'm active enough! #GIMMIEACHANCE
9 years  0 teams Like this
Mitchell Dronfield

I sent my Coach offers to Dylan a while back. Should I send them to you Ron?

UFA Update
Just checking in here.

• 0 teams Like this  9 years
Clayton Hansler Bug Dylan on it, with ufa and stuff happening im sure he just forgot by mistake to put it through for you Aaron
9 years  0 teams Like this