• Maurice Richard Fantasy Hockey League

Check Comments

Martin Grech

Lol slim pickings in UFA for my interest, only offer made is on the only beneficial player to my roster.

UFA Progressing Along
UFA Update

• 0 teams Like this  9 years
Clayton Hansler Agreed, it was a rather weak UFA class. Just make sure you have your 40 guys for when the season starts

9 years  0 teams Like this
Martin Grech would also be nice if my offer was responded to also....

9 years  0 teams Like this
Clayton Hansler We have recieved your offer, Duran, have patience. No offer will be unresponded to this offseason.

9 years  0 teams Like this
Robert Jacklin Agent always responeds. Just hope your not the Ducks :P

9 years  0 teams Like this
Clayton Hansler Agent Likes to Duck Hunt :P

9 years  0 teams Like this
Hahaha lmfao

9 years  0 teams Like this
Hahaha lmfao

9 years  0 teams Like this