St-Louis adds Experience!
2014-08-09Hey Guys !
Gm Blais is moving slowly with is team, during the draft, Blues pulled off a deal that brought an their number 1 goalie Henrik Lunqvist in St-Louis. We are very happy to have landed Henrik for our future plans.
Gm Blais was active to a certain point in the FA this off-season, but contract offers are way to high for our taste. But we are very please to announce the signing of Vinny Lecavalier and Simon Gagne.
Vinny and Simon will bring some EX and Leadership in St-Louis .Some details on the contract of both players are as followed :
Lecavalier as ink a contract with us that will pay him $8,250,000 for 4yrs
Gagne also signed a contract with St-Louis that will give him $2,250,000 for 3yrs.
We are still in negotiation with some other players and hopefully we can come up with a deal that will bring the in also.
Thank you !