• Maurice Richard Fantasy Hockey League
  • 171 1118
  • 171 1119
  • 171 1120
  • 171 1121
  • 171 1122
    Golden Knights4
  • 171 1123
  • 171 1124
  • 172 1125
  • 172 1126
    Blue Jackets
  • 172 1127
  • 172 1128
    Hockey Club
    Red Wings
  • 171 1081
  • 171 1082
  • 171 1083
  • 171 1084
  • 171 1085
  • 171 1086
  • 171 1087
  • 171 1088
  • 172 1089
  • 172 1090
  • 172 1091
  • 172 1092
  • 172 1093
  • 172 1094
  • 172 1095
Ryan Reaves
  • • 
  • • 
  • Status: Farm Team
    : 01-20-1987 : 38 : CAN 
    : 6' 2" : 226 lbs : 0
    Drafted : N/A : $900,000 1  
    :100% : 0

    Paul Theofanous

    94 63 85 60 83 59 80 58 50 61 63 56 63 92 92 81 1 63

    2011-12 Griffins 17 1 2 3 -7 127 0 0 0 0 21 4.8
    2011-12 Monsters 8 0 1 1 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2013-14 Marlies 73 31 27 58 12 489 6 2 4 2 229 13.5
    2014-15 Marlies 78 29 18 47 15 389 12 1 7 2 162 17.9
    2015-16 Marlies 59 24 25 49 10 248 4 1 6 3 209 11.5
    2015-16 Maple Leafs 27 2 2 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 38 5.3
    2016-17 Checkers 15 4 2 6 -1 65 3 0 0 1 24 16.7
    2017-18 Monsters 76 52 38 90 8 235 22 0 6 4 303 17.2
    2019-20 Blue Jackets 20 1 1 2 0 11 0 0 0 0 19 5.3
    2019-20 Islanders 63 5 5 10 3 54 0 0 0 0 57 8.8
    2020-21 Maple Leafs 80 18 26 44 6 133 4 0 2 2 190 9.5
    2021-22 Sharks 36 4 4 8 0 28 0 0 2 0 33 12.1
    2022-23 Eagles 65 35 53 88 -30 53 21 1 0 4 277 12.6
    2022-23 Avalanche 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Eagles 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 13 5 6 11 0 0 1 0 3 0 61 8.2
    2024-25 Wranglers 69 66 65 131 8 46 26 1 14 4 363 18.2
      493 247 237 484 19 1,664 95 6 40 20 1,649 15.0
      228 30 38 68 10 234 4 0 4 2 337 8.9
    2014-15 Marlies 12 4 3 7 -8 90 3 0 1 26 15.4
    2016-17 Checkers 19 5 4 9 2 123 2 0 1 22 22.7
    2017-18 Monsters 5 0 0 0 -3 13 0 0 0 6 0.0
    2021-22 Sharks 2 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 2 0.0
    2023-24 Admirals 5 0 3 3 -2 6 0 0 0 30 0.0
      41 9 10 19 0 232 5 0 2 0 84 10.7
      2 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 2 0.0

    2011-12 Griffins 17 0 2 13 14 3 0 5 12 41.7
    2011-12 Monsters 8 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 5 100.0
    2013-14 Marlies 73 1 29 58 111 37 38 136 280 48.6
    2014-15 Marlies 78 1 31 54 90 43 41 45 89 50.6
    2015-16 Marlies 59 0 42 71 111 36 16 44 108 40.7
    2015-16 Maple Leafs 27 0 5 19 0 9 9 8 14 57.1
    2016-17 Checkers 15 0 1 7 9 3 3 6 12 50.0
    2017-18 Monsters 76 4 47 97 187 59 42 131 432 30.3
    2019-20 Blue Jackets 20 0 2 9 0 4 1 1 4 25.0
    2019-20 Islanders 63 0 9 13 43 9 6 16 42 38.1
    2020-21 Maple Leafs 80 0 23 129 0 61 13 26 64 40.6
    2021-22 Sharks 36 0 6 17 0 4 10 71 197 36.0
    2022-23 Eagles 65 1 43 91 192 48 27 127 338 37.6
    2022-23 Avalanche 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Eagles 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 13 0 13 20 35 10 6 45 109 41.3
    2024-25 Wranglers 69 3 59 102 225 71 35 225 458 49.1
      493 10 59 513 975 310 209 769 1,843 41.7
      228 0 45 187 43 87 39 122 321 38.0
    2014-15 Marlies 12 0 6 6 18 3 5 6 15 250.0
    2016-17 Checkers 19 0 8 9 14 4 3 2 8 400.0
    2017-18 Monsters 5 0 0 1 4 0 6 7 24 342.9
    2021-22 Sharks 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 6 23 26.1
    2023-24 Admirals 5 0 9 4 17 9 2 17 49 288.2
      2 0 1 0 0 1 1 6 23 26.1

    2011-12 Griffins 17 214:18 12:36 02:27 00:08 25:50 01:31 242:35 14:16 19:05
    2011-12 Monsters 8 17:24 02:10 01:45 00:13 27:41 03:27 46:50 05:51 01:58
    2013-14 Marlies 73 1193:51 16:21 125:29 01:43 152:31 02:05 1471:51 20:09 130:37
    2014-15 Marlies 78 1138:01 14:35 110:04 01:24 178:13 02:17 1426:18 18:17 122:00
    2015-16 Marlies 59 970:13 16:26 118:46 02:00 131:49 02:14 1220:48 20:41 115:21
    2015-16 Maple Leafs 27 328:34 12:10 14:27 00:32 00:00 0 343:01 12:42 01:14
    2016-17 Checkers 15 190:20 12:41 00:29 00:01 21:19 01:25 212:08 14:08 00:01
    2017-18 Monsters 76 1180:36 15:32 182:06 02:23 170:49 02:14 1533:31 20:10 164:31
    2019-20 Blue Jackets 20 128:25 06:25 06:23 00:19 00:44 00:02 135:32 06:46 00:16
    2019-20 Islanders 63 479:41 07:36 80:39 01:16 14:34 00:13 574:54 09:07 00:00
    2020-21 Maple Leafs 80 1021:06 12:45 16:15 00:12 159:57 01:59 1197:18 14:57 00:45
    2021-22 Sharks 36 438:26 12:10 00:00 0 00:47 00:01 439:13 12:12 00:06
    2022-23 Eagles 65 1233:11 18:58 124:37 01:55 150:48 02:19 1508:36 23:12 216:51
    2022-23 Avalanche 2 14:05 07:02 00:00 0 00:00 0 14:05 07:02 00:00
    2023-24 Eagles 20 00:52 00:02 00:00 0 00:00 0 00:52 00:02 00:00
    2023-24 Admirals 13 255:45 19:40 38:10 02:56 30:05 02:18 324:00 24:55 00:03
    2024-25 Wranglers 69 1250:53 18:07 145:21 02:06 156:57 02:16 1553:11 22:30 294:30
      493 7645:24 15:30 849:14 01:43 1046:02 02:07 9540:40 19:21 02:09
      228 2410:17 10:34 117:44 00:30 176:02 00:46 2704:03 11:51 00:56
    2014-15 Marlies 12 175:34 14:37 03:30 00:17 32:07 02:40 211:11 17:35 19:13
    2016-17 Checkers 19 248:55 13:06 00:00 0 21:51 01:09 270:46 14:15 22:16
    2017-18 Monsters 5 74:18 14:51 15:05 03:01 09:26 01:53 98:49 19:45 04:08
    2021-22 Sharks 2 32:10 16:05 00:00 0 00:11 00:05 32:21 16:10 00:35
    2023-24 Admirals 5 92:05 18:25 12:06 02:25 24:45 04:57 128:56 25:47 21:08
      41 590:52 14:24 30:41 00:44 88:09 02:09 709:42 17:18 01:37
      2 32:21 16:05 00:00 0 00:11 00:05 32:21 16:10 00:35

    2011-12 Griffins 17 25 11 127 75 1 1 9 0 0 0
    2011-12 Monsters 8 4 2 12 10 0 1 0 0 0 0
    2013-14 Marlies 73 127 76 489 255 16 10 25 5 3 5
    2014-15 Marlies 78 126 76 389 265 16 15 21 4 2 1
    2015-16 Marlies 59 92 59 248 160 8 13 11 3 5 5
    2015-16 Maple Leafs 27 30 26 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2016-17 Checkers 15 31 11 65 45 5 1 3 0 0 0
    2017-18 Monsters 76 103 90 235 95 2 5 10 7 9 5
    2019-20 Blue Jackets 20 21 6 11 5 0 0 1 0 0 0
    2019-20 Islanders 63 73 26 54 10 2 0 0 0 0 0
    2020-21 Maple Leafs 80 137 59 133 45 3 1 5 1 3 3
    2021-22 Sharks 36 58 26 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
    2022-23 Eagles 65 122 99 53 5 0 0 1 3 5 6
    2022-23 Avalanche 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Eagles 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 13 26 26 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3
    2024-25 Wranglers 69 254 163 46 20 2 0 2 14 15 7
      493 910 613 1,664 930 50 46 82 37 40 44
      228 320 147 234 60 5 1 6 1 3 1
    2014-15 Marlies 12 20 6 90 50 3 5 2 0 0 0
    2016-17 Checkers 19 26 11 123 65 2 6 5 1 0 1
    2017-18 Monsters 5 7 7 13 5 0 0 1 0 0 0
    2021-22 Sharks 2 7 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 5 10 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      41 63 29 232 120 5 11 8 1 0 1
      2 7 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    : : :
    2011-12 Griffins 17 1 1 2 21 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    2011-12 Monsters 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2013-14 Marlies 73 23 18 41 195 6 8 14 26 2 1 3 8
    2014-15 Marlies 78 16 10 26 126 12 8 20 33 1 0 1 3
    2015-16 Marlies 59 19 14 33 173 4 9 13 28 1 2 3 8
    2015-16 Maple Leafs 27 2 2 4 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2016-17 Checkers 15 1 2 3 21 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 0
    2017-18 Monsters 76 30 23 53 249 22 14 36 52 0 1 1 2
    2019-20 Blue Jackets 20 1 1 2 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2019-20 Islanders 63 5 5 10 53 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
    2020-21 Maple Leafs 80 14 17 31 173 4 9 13 17 0 0 0 0
    2021-22 Sharks 36 4 4 8 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2022-23 Eagles 65 13 24 37 229 21 27 48 41 1 2 3 7
    2022-23 Avalanche 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Eagles 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 13 4 3 7 55 1 3 4 5 0 0 0 1
    2024-25 Wranglers 69 39 42 81 302 26 22 48 52 1 1 2 9
      493 146 138 81 1371 95 92 187 240 6 7 13 38
      228 26 29 55 316 30 38 13 18 30 38 0 3
    : : :
    2014-15 Marlies 12 1 0 1 22 3 3 6 4 0 0 0 0
    2016-17 Checkers 19 3 4 7 20 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0
    2017-18 Monsters 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
    2021-22 Sharks 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 5 0 2 2 27 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1
      41 4 6 2 74 5 4 9 9 0 0 0 1
      2 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

    2011-12 Griffins 17 0 0 0
    2011-12 Monsters 8 0 0 0
    2013-14 Marlies 73 0 8 0
    2014-15 Marlies 78 2 10 0
    2015-16 Marlies 59 1 4 0
    2015-16 Maple Leafs 27 0 0 0
    2016-17 Checkers 15 0 0 0
    2017-18 Monsters 76 0 5 0
    2019-20 Blue Jackets 20 0 0 0
    2019-20 Islanders 63 0 0 0
    2020-21 Maple Leafs 80 0 0 0
    2021-22 Sharks 36 0 0 0
    2022-23 Eagles 65 2 4 0
    2022-23 Avalanche 2 0 0 0
    2023-24 Eagles 20 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 13 1 1 0
    2024-25 Wranglers 69 0 2 0
      493 6 34 18
      228 0 0 0
    2014-15 Marlies 12 0 0 0
    2016-17 Checkers 19 0 0 0
    2017-18 Monsters 5 0 0 0
    2021-22 Sharks 2 0 0 0
    2023-24 Admirals 5 0 0 0
      41 6 34 18
      2 0 0 0


    * =
    2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 2033-34
    $900,000 - - - - - - - - -

    • [2024-11-21 12:19:07 AM] - Last 30 Days Farm Star : 1 - Ryan Reaves of Wranglers (14-16-30) / 2 - Cole Guttman of Wild (13-13-26) / 3 - Dominik Kubalik of Marlies (14-12-26)
    • [2024-11-19 12:09:15 AM] - Last 7 Days Farm Star : 1 - Ryan Reaves of Wranglers (8-4-12) / 2 - Fredrik Olofsson of Thunderbirds (4-4-8) / 3 - Angus Crookshank of Rocket (3-6-9)
    • [2024-11-14 9:53:53 PM] - Farm Game #157 - Ryan Reaves from Wranglers has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [2024-11-13 10:19:03 AM] - Farm Game #144 - Ryan Reaves from Wranglers has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [2024-10-15 10:32:41 PM] - Ryan Reaves of Flames was sent down to farm.
    • [2024-10-15 10:32:38 PM] - Flames placed Ryan Reaves on waivers.
    • [2024-03-14 12:57:24 PM] - TRADE : From Avalanche to Predators : Tobias Bjornfot (65)- Ryan Reaves (70)- Mirco Mueller (68)- Jonathan Gruden (P)- Y:2024-RND:5-COL- Y:2024-RND:5-NJD.
    • [2024-03-14 12:57:24 PM] - TRADE : From Avalanche to Predators : Tobias Bjornfot (65)- Ryan Reaves (70)- Mirco Mueller (68)- Jonathan Gruden (P)- Y:2024-RND:5-COL- Y:2024-RND:5-NJD.
    • [2024-01-07 4:49:03 PM] - Ryan Reaves(Avalanche) cleared from waivers and was sent to down farm.
    • [2024-01-05 3:59:18 PM] - Ryan Reaves of Avalanche was sent down to farm.
    • [2024-01-05 3:59:17 PM] - Avalanche placed Ryan Reaves on waivers.
    • [2023-03-23 1:10:02 PM] - Ryan Reaves of Avalanche was sent to pro.
    • [3/23/2023 1:10:02 PM] - Ryan Reaves of Avalanche was sent to pro.
    • [10/15/2022 6:58:43 PM] - Ryan Reaves(Avalanche) cleared from waivers and was sent to down farm.
    • [10/13/2022 5:27:02 PM] - Ryan Reaves of Avalanche was sent down to farm.
    • [10/13/2022 5:27:02 PM] - Avalanche placed Ryan Reaves on waivers.
    • [2022-08-23 8:15:08 AM] - Ryan Reaves signed with Avalanche for $1-250-000 for 2 year(s).
    • [2022-08-23 8:15:08 AM] - Ryan Reaves was added to Avalanche.
    • [2022-08-23 8:15:08 AM] - Ryan Reaves average salary was modified from $700-000 to $1-250-000.
    • [7/24/2021 3:01:09 AM] - TRADE : From Maple Leafs to Sharks : Ryan Reaves (68)- William Carrier (69)- Kasper Simontaival (P)- Y:2022-RND:2-TOR- Y:2022-RND:3-TOR.
    • [12/12/2020 7:55:46 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Maple Leafs is back from Right Hip Injury.
    • [12/8/2020 6:25:34 PM] - Game 415 - Ryan Reaves from Maple Leafs is injured (Right Hip) and is out for 1 week.
    • [9/5/2020 2:11:32 PM] - Ryan Reaves signed with Maple Leafs for $3-500-000 for 2 year(s).
    • [9/5/2020 2:11:32 PM] - Ryan Reaves average salary was modified from $550-000 to $3-500-000.
    • [9/5/2020 2:11:32 PM] - Ryan Reaves was added to Maple Leafs.
    • [10/16/2017 5:00:45 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Cleveland Monsters is back from Exhaustion.
    • [10/16/2017 5:00:41 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Cleveland Monsters is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [10/16/2017 4:59:04 PM] - Last 30 Days Farm Star : 1 - Brock McGinn of Springfield Thunderbirds (8-8-16) / 2 - Ryan Reaves of Cleveland Monsters (6-11-17) / 3 - Travis Boyd of Springfield Thunderbirds (7-9-16)
    • [10/16/2017 4:57:36 PM] - Last 7 Days Farm Star : 1 - Chris Conner of Cleveland Monsters (8-3-11) / 2 - Mark Jankowski of Cleveland Monsters (2-12-14) / 3 - Ryan Reaves of Cleveland Monsters (4-5-9)
    • [10/16/2017 4:55:18 PM] - Last 30 Days Farm Star : 1 - Brock McGinn of Springfield Thunderbirds (10-5-15) / 2 - Chris Conner of Cleveland Monsters (7-10-17) / 3 - Ryan Reaves of Cleveland Monsters (7-12-19)
    • [10/5/2017 10:06:41 AM] - Ryan Reaves signed with Blue Jackets for $700-000 for 3 year(s) with $0 in bonus.
    • [10/5/2017 10:06:41 AM] - Ryan Reaves average salary was modified from $550-000 to $700-000.
    • [10/5/2017 10:06:41 AM] - Ryan Reaves was added to Blue Jackets.
    • [28/10/2016 11:03:36 PM] - Ryan Reaves was not claimed from waivers and was sent to farm.
    • [14/10/2015 11:33:05 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is back from Exhaustion.
    • [13/10/2015 10:47:37 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2015 10:03:13 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is back from Exhaustion.
    • [08/10/2015 11:00:03 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [14/10/2015 11:33:05 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is back from Exhaustion.
    • [13/10/2015 10:47:37 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2015 10:03:13 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is back from Exhaustion.
    • [08/10/2015 11:00:03 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [14/10/2014 6:15:43 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [01/02/2014 4:11:55 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [07/11/2013 7:17:41 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies completes suspension
    • [04/11/2013 7:59:43 PM] - Game 174 - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies suspended for 1 game(s)
    • [27/10/2013 6:06:31 PM] - Last 7 Days Farm Star : 1 - Craig Cunningham of Toronto Marlies (5-5-10) / 2 - Steve Pinizzotto of Abbotsford Heat (6-2-8) / 3 - Ryan Reaves of Toronto Marlies (6-5-11)
    • [15/10/2013 9:58:17 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [27/10/2013 6:06:31 PM] - Last 7 Days Farm Star : 1 - Craig Cunningham of Toronto Marlies (5-5-10) / 2 - Steve Pinizzotto of Abbotsford Heat (6-2-8) / 3 - Ryan Reaves of Toronto Marlies (6-5-11)
    • [15/10/2013 9:58:17 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [07/11/2013 7:17:41 PM] - Ryan Reaves from Toronto Marlies completes suspension
    • [29/01/2012 3:40:27 PM] - TRADE : From Red Wings to Blue Jackets : Ryan Reaves (56)- Y:2012-RND:2-VAN.
    • [29/01/2012 3:40:26 PM] - Ryan Reaves was added to Blue Jackets.
    • [11/18/2011 4:08:41 AM] - Game 130 - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured (Strained Left Elbow) and is out for 1 week.
    • [11/18/2011 4:08:41 AM] - Game 130 - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured (Strained Left Elbow) and is out for 1 week.
    • [11/18/2011 4:08:41 AM] - Game 130 - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured (Strained Left Elbow) and is out for 1 week.
    • [2011-07-09 01:40] - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2011-07-06 16:17] - Game 1193 - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured (Right Foot) and is out for 1 week.
    • [2011-07-09 01:40] - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2011-07-06 16:17] - Game 1193 - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured (Right Foot) and is out for 1 week.
    • [2009-09-17 12:43] - Ryan Reaves of Red Wings was sent to farm.
    • [2009-09-17 12:36] - Ryan Reaves was added to Red Wings.
    • [2011-07-09 01:40] - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2011-07-06 16:17] - Game 1193 - Ryan Reaves from Grand Rapids is injured (Right Foot) and is out for 1 week.
    • [2009-09-17 12:43] - Ryan Reaves of Red Wings was sent to farm.
    • [2009-09-17 12:36] - Ryan Reaves was added to Red Wings.
    • [2009-09-17 12:36] - Ryan Reaves was added to Red Wings.
    • [2009-09-17 12:43] - Ryan Reaves of Red Wings was sent to farm.
    • [2008-03-25 00:33] - From St.Louis to Detroit : Sergei Gonchar (72), Nils Ekman (64), Kyle Wharton (P), Ryan Reaves (P).