• Maurice Richard Fantasy Hockey League
  • 171 1118
  • 171 1119
  • 171 1120
  • 171 1121
  • 171 1122
    Golden Knights4
  • 171 1123
  • 171 1124
  • 172 1125
  • 172 1126
    Blue Jackets
  • 172 1127
  • 172 1128
    Hockey Club
    Red Wings
  • 171 1081
  • 171 1082
  • 171 1083
  • 171 1084
  • 171 1085
  • 171 1086
  • 171 1087
  • 171 1088
  • 172 1089
  • 172 1090
  • 172 1091
  • 172 1092
  • 172 1093
  • 172 1094
  • 172 1095
T.J. Oshie
  • • 
  • • 
  • Status: Pro Team
    : 12-23-1986 : 38 : USA 
    : 6' 0" : 187 lbs : 0
    Drafted : N/A : $3,500,000 1  
    :100% - 5 : 0

    Pat Brisson

    71 40 83 66 67 79 81 68 61 68 72 62 73 93 96 74 1 69

    2010-11 Barracuda 47 6 5 11 -2 10 0 0 0 2 54 11.1
    2010-11 Sharks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2011-12 Ducks 81 31 59 90 -42 116 11 0 4 1 373 8.3
    2012-13 Ducks 82 26 34 60 -12 111 8 0 4 1 223 11.7
    2013-14 Ducks 82 20 20 40 4 75 2 0 5 2 212 9.4
    2014-15 Flyers 79 35 48 83 -9 96 18 2 7 7 349 10.0
    2015-16 Flyers 78 26 29 55 -14 114 8 2 4 2 251 10.4
    2016-17 Flyers 82 37 43 80 12 36 13 1 5 5 386 9.6
    2017-18 Flyers 82 51 53 104 4 94 14 1 6 4 329 15.5
    2018-19 Flyers 82 53 57 110 -12 83 20 2 7 3 398 13.3
    2019-20 Flyers 81 51 72 123 14 120 19 2 9 3 403 12.7
    2020-21 Flyers 82 40 46 86 10 52 14 3 5 3 299 13.4
    2021-22 Flyers 82 34 37 71 -11 16 13 1 5 4 252 13.5
    2022-23 Flyers 75 16 18 34 -2 12 9 0 3 1 112 14.3
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 82 9 19 28 0 96 2 0 1 2 174 5.2
    2024-25 Avalanche 65 10 6 16 -11 22 2 0 1 0 78 12.8
    2024-25 Predators 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2024-25 Kings 6 3 1 4 0 2 1 0 1 0 18 16.7
      47 6 5 11 -2 10 0 0 0 2 54 11.1
      1,122 442 542 984 -69 1,045 154 14 67 38 3,857 11.5
    2012-13 Ducks 5 4 0 4 -1 7 1 0 0 0 17 23.5
    2014-15 Flyers 3 1 0 1 -6 4 1 0 0 0 8 12.5
    2015-16 Flyers 5 0 1 1 -3 10 0 0 0 0 9 0.0
    2018-19 Flyers 5 6 3 9 0 4 1 1 1 1 35 17.1
    2019-20 Flyers 17 11 7 18 5 10 2 1 3 2 69 15.9
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 19 3 4 7 5 14 1 0 1 0 28 10.7
      54 25 15 40 0 49 6 2 5 3 166 15.1

    2010-11 Barracuda 47 0 2 290 572 50.7
    2010-11 Sharks 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2011-12 Ducks 81 0 43 182 3 60 56 1023 2367 43.2
    2012-13 Ducks 82 1 48 119 0 46 30 90 226 39.8
    2013-14 Ducks 82 0 29 151 0 55 28 37 73 50.7
    2014-15 Flyers 79 0 46 199 0 83 41 48 124 38.7
    2015-16 Flyers 78 0 62 152 0 51 42 72 165 43.6
    2016-17 Flyers 82 1 62 209 0 70 36 331 713 46.4
    2017-18 Flyers 82 4 62 213 0 86 34 252 658 38.3
    2018-19 Flyers 82 0 65 253 0 84 49 309 767 40.3
    2019-20 Flyers 81 3 38 227 0 85 25 214 536 39.9
    2020-21 Flyers 82 3 53 192 0 85 40 88 216 40.7
    2021-22 Flyers 82 0 43 153 0 45 43 262 480 54.6
    2022-23 Flyers 75 1 16 78 0 20 10 275 503 54.7
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 82 0 32 91 0 38 17 95 224 42.4
    2024-25 Avalanche 65 0 17 32 0 5 10 10 29 34.5
    2024-25 Predators 1 0 0 -19 32 0 1 0 0 0
    2024-25 Kings 6 0 3 3 6 4 2 3 7 42.9
      47 0 2 0 0 0 0 290 572 50.7
      1,122 13 619 2,235 41 817 464 3,109 7,088 43.9
    2012-13 Ducks 5 0 1 8 0 2 2 4 7 57.1
    2014-15 Flyers 3 0 3 9 0 3 2 0 5 0
    2015-16 Flyers 5 0 7 1 0 4 2 7 9 77.8
    2018-19 Flyers 5 0 4 17 0 6 4 23 48 47.9
    2019-20 Flyers 17 0 18 40 0 10 5 42 115 36.5
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 19 0 3 24 0 9 6 7 17 41.2
      54 0 36 99 0 34 21 83 201 41.3

    2010-11 Barracuda 47 635:00 13:30 00:00 0 00:00 0 635:00 13:30 00:00
    2010-11 Sharks 0 00:00 0 00:00 0 00:00 0 00:00 0 0
    2011-12 Ducks 81 1611:17 19:53 233:33 02:53 252:18 03:06 2097:08 25:53 03:58
    2012-13 Ducks 82 1571:37 19:09 211:45 02:34 226:58 02:46 2010:20 24:30 01:27
    2013-14 Ducks 82 1131:43 13:48 35:46 00:26 135:23 01:39 1302:52 15:53 00:50
    2014-15 Flyers 79 1393:40 17:38 216:43 02:44 284:02 03:35 1894:25 23:58 00:58
    2015-16 Flyers 78 1462:36 18:45 200:57 02:34 229:34 02:56 1893:07 24:16 00:32
    2016-17 Flyers 82 1516:48 18:29 277:12 03:22 226:42 02:45 2020:42 24:38 00:35
    2017-18 Flyers 82 1360:35 16:35 231:05 02:49 336:31 04:06 1928:11 23:30 00:32
    2018-19 Flyers 82 1521:21 18:33 294:46 03:35 299:03 03:38 2115:10 25:47 00:34
    2019-20 Flyers 81 1421:44 17:33 172:32 02:07 326:38 04:01 1920:54 23:42 00:26
    2020-21 Flyers 82 1454:20 17:44 317:02 03:51 241:56 02:57 2013:18 24:33 00:21
    2021-22 Flyers 82 1584:03 19:19 186:20 02:16 257:26 03:08 2027:49 24:43 00:15
    2022-23 Flyers 75 647:26 08:37 00:00 0 63:31 00:50 710:57 09:28 00:05
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 82 979:08 11:56 00:13 00:00 149:54 01:49 1129:15 13:46 00:07
    2024-25 Avalanche 65 675:28 10:23 23:47 00:21 50:16 00:46 749:31 11:31 00:02
    2024-25 Predators 1 07:20 07:20 00:00 0 00:57 00:57 08:17 08:17 00:00
    2024-25 Kings 6 78:47 13:07 08:58 01:29 16:37 02:46 104:22 17:23 00:00
      47 635:00 13:30 00:00 0 00:00 0 635:00 13:30 00:00
      1122 18417:53 16:24 2410:39 02:08 3097:46 02:45 23926:18 21:19 02:59
    2012-13 Ducks 5 95:08 19:01 12:20 02:28 08:39 01:43 116:07 23:13 02:34
    2014-15 Flyers 3 46:28 15:29 12:58 04:19 16:16 05:25 75:42 25:14 01:19
    2015-16 Flyers 5 81:46 16:21 21:39 04:19 13:10 02:38 116:35 23:19 00:50
    2018-19 Flyers 5 96:51 19:22 21:28 04:17 14:45 02:57 133:04 26:36 01:14
    2019-20 Flyers 17 313:33 18:26 47:02 02:46 56:59 03:21 417:34 24:33 01:40
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 19 234:50 12:21 00:00 0 48:40 02:33 283:30 14:55 00:32
      54 868:36 16:05 115:27 02:08 158:29 02:56 1142:32 21:09 02:40

    2010-11 Barracuda 47 21 60 10
    2010-11 Sharks 0 0 0 0
    2011-12 Ducks 81 105 186 116 70 2 2 5 10 3 2
    2012-13 Ducks 82 138 106 111 25 2 0 2 1 7 5
    2013-14 Ducks 82 121 76 75 25 1 2 2 4 3 1
    2014-15 Flyers 79 90 100 96 40 4 2 2 6 6 7
    2015-16 Flyers 78 145 96 114 0 0 0 0 2 5 6
    2016-17 Flyers 82 111 115 36 10 0 1 1 6 8 6
    2017-18 Flyers 82 141 135 94 10 0 1 1 8 9 5
    2018-19 Flyers 82 212 164 83 15 3 0 0 15 9 6
    2019-20 Flyers 81 136 140 120 20 2 0 2 8 6 8
    2020-21 Flyers 82 108 147 52 20 0 2 2 3 5 9
    2021-22 Flyers 82 130 115 16 0 0 0 0 2 8 8
    2022-23 Flyers 75 81 66 12 0 0 0 0 4 1 2
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 82 146 67 96 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
    2024-25 Avalanche 65 65 36 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
    2024-25 Predators 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2024-25 Kings 6 8 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
      47 21 60 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      1,122 1,737 1,554 1,045 235 14 10 17 70 72 70
    2012-13 Ducks 5 5 7 7 5 0 0 0 1 0 0
    2014-15 Flyers 3 5 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2015-16 Flyers 5 7 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2018-19 Flyers 5 9 9 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
    2019-20 Flyers 17 39 25 10 0 0 0 0 3 2 0
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 19 26 12 14 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
      54 91 61 49 5 0 0 0 6 2 7

    : : :
    2010-11 Barracuda 47 6 5 11 54 0 0 0 0
    2010-11 Sharks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2011-12 Ducks 81 20 25 45 310 11 30 41 55 0 4 4 8
    2012-13 Ducks 82 18 17 35 179 8 17 25 35 0 0 0 9
    2013-14 Ducks 82 18 12 30 189 2 7 9 19 0 1 1 4
    2014-15 Flyers 79 15 16 31 277 18 32 50 63 2 0 2 9
    2015-16 Flyers 78 16 14 30 212 8 13 21 30 2 2 4 9
    2016-17 Flyers 82 23 24 47 325 13 18 31 53 1 1 2 8
    2017-18 Flyers 82 36 29 65 267 14 23 37 56 1 1 2 6
    2018-19 Flyers 82 31 32 63 302 20 24 44 85 2 1 3 11
    2019-20 Flyers 81 30 41 71 317 19 30 49 81 2 1 3 5
    2020-21 Flyers 82 23 21 44 236 14 23 37 47 3 2 5 16
    2021-22 Flyers 82 20 21 41 219 13 15 28 29 1 1 2 4
    2022-23 Flyers 75 7 9 16 88 9 9 18 24 0 0 0 0
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 82 7 14 21 164 2 5 7 10 0 0 0 0
    2024-25 Avalanche 65 8 4 12 72 2 2 4 5 0 0 0 1
    2024-25 Predators 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2024-25 Kings 6 2 0 2 11 1 1 2 7 0 0 0 0
      47 6 5 11 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      1122 274 279 553 3168 442 542 403 599 442 542 28 90
    : : :
    2012-13 Ducks 5 3 0 3 16 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
    2014-15 Flyers 3 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0
    2015-16 Flyers 5 0 0 0 7 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0
    2018-19 Flyers 5 4 1 5 30 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1
    2019-20 Flyers 17 8 4 12 53 2 3 5 13 1 0 1 3
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 19 2 4 6 24 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0
      54 4 0 26 24 25 15 11 27 25 15 3 4

    2010-11 Barracuda 47 0 1 0
    2010-11 Sharks 0 0 0 0
    2011-12 Ducks 81 0 10 0
    2012-13 Ducks 82 2 10 20
    2013-14 Ducks 82 0 1 0
    2014-15 Flyers 79 5 12 42
    2015-16 Flyers 78 4 15 27
    2016-17 Flyers 82 6 15 40
    2017-18 Flyers 82 4 7 57
    2018-19 Flyers 82 7 14 50
    2019-20 Flyers 81 4 14 29
    2020-21 Flyers 82 2 12 17
    2021-22 Flyers 82 3 10 30
    2022-23 Flyers 75 1 1 100
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 82 0 0 0
    2024-25 Avalanche 65 0 0 0
    2024-25 Predators 1 0 0 0
    2024-25 Kings 6 0 0 0
      47 0 1 0
      1122 38 121 31
    2012-13 Ducks 5 0 0 0
    2014-15 Flyers 3 0 0 0
    2015-16 Flyers 5 0 0 0
    2018-19 Flyers 5 0 0 0
    2019-20 Flyers 17 0 0 0
    2023-24 Blue Jackets 19 0 0 0
      54 38 121 31


    * =
    2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 2033-34
    $3,500,000 - - - - - - - - -

    • [2023-07-10 8:24:45 AM] - TRADE : From Flyers to Blue Jackets : Adam Erne (68)- T.J. Oshie (71).
    • [2023-04-26 10:29:40 AM] - Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Brock Boeser of Predators (7-0-7) / 2 - T.J. Oshie of Flyers (6-3-9) / 3 - Leon Draisaitl of Jets (5-3-8)
    • [2023-04-24 11:13:16 AM] - Pro Game #1233 - T.J. Oshie from Flyers has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [2023-03-16 3:57:13 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is back from Sports Hernia Injury.
    • [2023-03-06 5:43:31 PM] - Game 868 - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is injured (Sports Hernia) and is out for 2 weeks.
    • [4/26/2023 10:29:40 AM] - Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Brock Boeser of Predators (7-0-7) / 2 - T.J. Oshie of Flyers (6-3-9) / 3 - Leon Draisaitl of Jets (5-3-8)
    • [4/24/2023 11:13:16 AM] - Pro Game #1233 - T.J. Oshie from Flyers has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [3/16/2023 3:57:13 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is back from Sports Hernia Injury.
    • [3/6/2023 5:43:31 PM] - Game 868 - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is injured (Sports Hernia) and is out for 2 weeks.
    • [12/11/2020 7:43:01 PM] - Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Mathieu Perreault of Blue Jackets (6-4-10) / 2 - Ryan Strome of Flyers (2-9-11) / 3 - T.J. Oshie of Flyers (3-4-7)
    • [12/8/2020 6:25:33 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [11/15/2020 5:16:21 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [7/28/2020 1:38:01 PM] - T.J. Oshie average salary was modified from $550-000 to $6-250-000.
    • [7/28/2020 1:38:01 PM] - T.J. Oshie was added to Flyers.
    • [7/28/2020 1:38:01 PM] - T.J. Oshie signed with Flyers for $6-250-000 for 3 year(s).
    • [10/17/2017 5:09:42 PM] - New Record for Player (T.J. Oshie) Most Shots (9) in 1 Game!
    • [01/11/2016 11:34:40 PM] - Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - T.J. Oshie of Flyers (5-0-5) / 2 - Elias Lindholm of Oilers (4-3-7) / 3 - Joonas Korpisalo of Blues (0.942)
    • [16/10/2015 12:12:24 AM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is back from Exhaustion.
    • [14/10/2015 11:33:03 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [13/10/2015 10:47:39 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is back from Exhaustion.
    • [13/10/2015 12:04:40 AM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [16/10/2015 12:12:24 AM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is back from Exhaustion.
    • [14/10/2015 11:33:03 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [13/10/2015 10:47:39 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is back from Exhaustion.
    • [13/10/2015 12:04:40 AM] - T.J. Oshie from Flyers is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [17/01/2013 4:41:09 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks has scored a Hat Trick!
    • [18/11/2012 9:18:14 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [18/11/2012 9:18:14 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [01/04/2012 12:08:37 AM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks completes suspension
    • [28/03/2012 9:36:08 PM] - Game 796 - T.J. Oshie from Ducks suspended for 1 game(s)
    • [22/02/2012 6:30:17 PM] - Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Andrew Ladd (3-4-7) / 2 - T.J. Oshie (3-4-7) / 3 - Patrik Berglund (3-2-5)
    • [09/10/2011 9:19:31 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2011 9:09:41 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2011 9:19:31 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2011 9:09:41 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2011 9:19:31 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [09/10/2011 9:09:41 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [08/10/2011 5:26:52 PM] - T.J. Oshie from Ducks is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2009-09-16 21:56] - T.J. Oshie position was change to RW
    • [2009-07-28 10:44] - T.J. Oshie was added to Penguins.
    • [2009-11-04 19:16] - Game 216 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Right Leg) and is out for 4 days
    • [2009-11-04 19:16] - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2009-11-04 19:16] - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2009-11-04 19:16] - Game 216 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Right Leg) and is out for 4 days
    • [2009-09-16 21:56] - T.J. Oshie position was change to RW
    • [2009-07-28 10:44] - T.J. Oshie was added to Penguins.
    • [2010-05-10 13:25] - Game 1223 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Groin) and is out for 1 week.
    • [2010-05-07 12:32] - Game 1208 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Left Knee) and is out for 5 days
    • [2010-02-23 21:38] - Game 750 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Right Knee) and is out for 2 days
    • [2010-02-11 18:57] - Game 690 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Sore Right Knee) and is out for 1 week.
    • [2009-11-04 19:16] - Game 216 - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured (Right Leg) and is out for 4 days
    • [2009-11-04 19:16] - T.J. Oshie from Penguins is injured from Exhaustion.
    • [2009-09-16 21:56] - T.J. Oshie position was change to RW
    • [2009-07-28 10:44] - T.J. Oshie was added to Penguins.
    • [2008-08-28 10:21] - From NY Islanders to Pittsburgh : T.J. Oshie (P).